I Professional Links for organizations and resources
II Academic Links for text, prose, and materials
III Kid Links
I Professional Links
California Indian Basketweavers Association – CIBA The purpose of the California Indian Basketweavers Association is to preserve, promote & perpetuate California Indian basketweaving traditions. www.ciba.org
Calif. Native Plant Society California Native Plant Society – CNPS
The CNPS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of California native plants through education, science, advocacy, horticulture, and land stewardship. http://www.cnps.org/
Calif. Indian Storytelling Assn. California Indian Storytelling Association
Promoting the stories and culture of the indigenous people of the Americas. Membership information, events, festivals, and mailing list. http://www.cistory.org
California Department of Education Curriculum & Instruction
Information for improving student academic achievement of content standards by communicating policy and expectations and supporting districts by providing instructional guidance. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/
Gaiam.com Realgoods Renewable Energy Technologies & Sustainable Living. Solar Electric Components and Eco Gadgets, Hopland, CA. http://www.gaiam.com/realgoods/
Humboldt State University Extended Education Department website information. http://www.humboldt.edu/extended/
Indian Teacher & Educational Personnel Program. Curriculum Resource Center Humboldt State University Indian Teacher Education Personnel program. http://www.humboldt.edu/itepp/
Project WILD. This is a state sponsored wildlife-focused conservation and environmental education program for k-12 schoolchildren and their teachers. www.projectwild.org
II Academic Links
Text, Readings, and Materials
Curriculum Links:
*American Indian Education http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/ai/ec
*California Indian Food and Culture by Hearst Museum of Anthropology http://hearstmuseum.berkeley/outreach/pdfs/teaching_kit.pdf
*California State Board of Education Standards and Frameworks
www.cde.ca.gov Click on “Standards & Frameworks”
*CREEC Network: California Regional Environmental Education Community http://www.creec.org/ Click on “Curriculum”
*Federal Resources for Education Excellence (FREE) http://www.free.ed.gov
*Heyday Books, Berkeley www.heydaybooks.com. (“catalogue” to California Indian)
*ITEEP Indian Education Resource Center www.humboldt.edu/~crc/online.htm
*Project WILD www.projectwild.org Click on “Curriculum and Resources”
Information Links:
* Alternative Construction <google “green construction”>
* All About Birds www.allaboutbirds.org
* Avenue of the Giants www. parks.ca.gov Stop for wild blackberry popsicles at www.floodplainproduce.com
* Bedrock Industries www. bedrockindustries.com This is an excellent site for artistry from recycled glass!
* Bluebirds of San Diego County (formerly Western Bluebirds) www.cbrp.org/SDBluebirds
* California Indian Basketweavers Association www.ciba.org
* California Indian Conference http://bss.sfsu.edu/calstudies/cic/
* California Native Plant Society www.cnps.org
* Eat Wild http://www.eatwild.com/index.html
* Hawk Watch www.wildlife-research.org
* Klamath Forest Alliance http://www.klamathforestalliance.org/
* Klamath Restoration Council http://www.klamathrestoration.org/
* Mid Klamath Watershed Council http://www.mkwc.org/
* Pick Up 3 www.pickup3.org Excellent for kids!
* Sky Hunters: Raptor education & rehabilitation www.skyhunters.org
* Tree Identification https://www.arborday.org/trees/whattree/
* Tree Identification Guide https://www.treemusketeers.net/tree-identification/
* UC Berkeley and Whole Foods discuss “organic”
* US Forest Service www.fs.fed.us
Recommended Reading:
* Dear Mad’m, by Stella Walthall Patterson
* Fire Race: A Karuk Coyote Tale, by Jonathan London
* Forgotten Fires: Native Americans and the Transient Wilderness, by Omer C. Stewart
* History of Humboldt County Schools, Volume VI, Klamath/Trinity Area,
The Klamath-Trinity Indian Education Program, Hoopa
* The Hover Collection of KARUK BASKETS, Clarke Memorial Museum
To be read in conjunction with The True Story of Elsie Pearch Young’s Basket Collection,
by Minerva Starritt (available by special request)
* In the Land of the Grasshopper Song: Two Women in the Klamath River Indian Country in 1908-09, by Mary Ellicott Arnold and Mabel Reed
* Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison, by Lois Lenski (juvenile)
* Indian Oratory: Famous Speeches by Noted Indian Chieftains, W.C. Vanderwerth
[personal note: focus on the oratory, not the commentary]
* Ishi in Two Worlds: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America,
by Theodora Kroeber
* Kaya: An American Girl 1764, American Girls Collection (juvenile)
* My Life and First Seven Years Teaching on the Klamath River, by Minerva Starritt
Available through the Siskiyou County Museum in Yreka 530-842-3836, SCHS.main@gmail.com
* Nickommoh!: A Thanksgiving Celebration, by Jackie French Koller
* Spirits of the Earth: A Guide to Native American Nature Symbols,
* Stories and Ceremonies, by Bobby Lake-Thom
* Strangers In A Stolen Land: American Indians in San Diego 1850-1880,
by Richard Carrico
* Tending the Wild: Native American Knowledge and the Management of
* California’s Natural Resources, by M. Kat Anderson
Recommended Movies and DVD’s:
* Coyote’s Journey: The Elders’ Cut, Charlie Thom and Clarence Hostler
* Dying for Water: Indians, Politics & Dead Fish in the Klamath River Basin, Northern California Cultural Communications and KIDE-FM
* Reel Injun, On the trail of the Hollywood Indian by Native Americans Shacheen Littlefeather and Neil Diamond www.reelinjunthemovie.com
* Rumble, Native Americans as the foundation of rock and roll! https://www.rumblethemovie.com/
* Salmon Fishing: California’s Gold #7008, Huell Howser
* Salmon on the Backs of Buffalo, Klamath Salmon Media Collaborative
III Kid Links: Be Part of the Solution!!
* Green Teens Club http://www.greenteensclub.org/
Bicycles: Not just for travel!
* Manoa Chocolate, Hawaii Organic chocolate, ground by tricycle power!
* Maya Pedal, Guatemala Village energy generated by bicycles!